
What are essential oils and how do they work?

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds extracted from various parts of plants, grasses, herbs, flowers, seeds, fruit and trees. They are fragrant and rich and often they are colourless. Some oils such as frankincense and vetiver are golden in colour, while citrus oils tend to mirror the colour of the fruit. Historically, essential oils have been used as far back as Biblical times, for perfuming the body, in baths and for purification.

Essential oils have calming and soothing properties, and are often today used in massage, skincare and body products to relieve stress and anxiety, calm nerves, reduce inflammation and itching caused by bites, burns or bruises, and are highly effective for physical and emotional pain and tension. Due to their anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, essential oils are often also used as antiseptics for both humans and animals. Essential oils can also be used for immune boosting, to improve circulation and for both cleansing and detoxing the body.

Aromatic Application


Essential oils are unique in that their efficacy begins at the aromatic level. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, an essential oil need not be ingested, nor even applied like a medical cream, to affect your body to heal. The simple act of smelling an essential oil begins its work to heal the area of your body that requires attention.

Read the full article here: Basics of Essential Oils Part 1: Aromatic

Topical Application


Essential oils are chemicals, yes. But it’s important to understand that everything in nature is made of chemicals. There are good and bad chemicals. Some chemicals harm us, impede growth, destroy cells and ruin our health. Others are good chemicals, like essential oils, that, when used correctly, do not harm us and can even heal us.

Read the full article here: Basics of Essential Oils Part 2: Topical

Internal Application


As the popularity of using essential oils as a natural health alternative to traditional medicines has increased exponentially in the last decade, by far the most controversial topic still discussed is whether they can be taken internally without harmful effects, albeit at all. While arguments for and against internal application of essential oils are convincing, internal application has been proved to heal the body of specific health issues.

Read the full article here: Basics of Essential Oils Part 3: Internal

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